Practical infos

Institut du Cerveau - Brain Institute - Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital

52, Bd Vincent Auriol - Paris, 75013 France

Opening hours

19 April 2024 8h30 - 18H00

20 April 2024 8h30 - 14h30

How to come

view on the map
  • Bus

    Bus lines 27 (Nationale), 57 & 91 (Saint Marcel)

  • Metro

    Metro lines 6 (Chevaleret) and 5 (St Marcel)
    Austerlitz train station (RER line C and SNCF train lines)

Join the first event in Paris
fully dedicated to neurovascular anatomy

The first Master Class of Neurovascular Anatomy will be hosted at the heart of Paris, France, at Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, a historic beacon of patient care in neurological diseases, in the Brain Institute, a leading institution in Neuroscience Research.

Get your tickets